programing Example

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ……..
object Fibonacci {
    def fibonacci(n: Int): Int =
        if (n < 3) 1
              else fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
        for {i <- List.range(1, 17)}
         print(fibonacci(i) + ", ")


object demo
def palindrome(s : String) : Boolean = {
  val sLetters = s.toLowerCase.filter(c => c.isLetter)
  (sLetters == sLetters.reverse)
def main(args :Array[String])
println("enter a line of text\n")
val input = readLine
if (palindrome(input))
  println("is a palindrome")
  println("is not a palindrome")


object test
def fact(n:Int):Int={
    if (n < 1)
n * fact(n-1)     
def main(args:Array[String])
for ( i <- 1 to 10)
  println("Factorial" +"=" + i + ":" + fact(i))   
// Inserting Objects
scala> val name = "Jose"
name: String = Jose
// String Interploation
scala> val greet = s"Hello ${name}"
greet: String = Hello Jose

scala> val greet = f"Hello $name"
greet: String = Hello Jose

/// Regular Expressions ///

// Index Location
scala> val st = "This is a long string"
st: String = This is a long string

scala> st.charAt(0)
res18: Char = T

scala> st.indexOf("a")
res19: Int = 8

// Pattern matching
scala> val st = "term1 term2 term3"
st: String = term1 term2 term3

scala> st contains "term1"
res20: Boolean = true

scala> st matches "term1"
res11: Boolean = false

scala> st matches "term1 term2 term3"
res12: Boolean = true

// Slicing
scala> val st = "hello"
st: String = hello

scala> st slice (0,2)
res2: String = he

scala> st slice (2,st.length)
res4: String = llo

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